Utilities for generating random values in Koto.
At the core of the module is the Rng
type, which is a seedable random
number generator. Each thread has access to a generator with a randomly
selected seed, or unique generators can be created with random.generator
|| -> Bool
Generates a random bool using the current thread's generator.
# Seed the thread Rng so that we get predictable results
random.seed 99
# -> false
# -> true
|| -> Rng
Creates an Rng
with a randomly generated seed.
|Number| -> Rng
Creates an Rng
with a specified seed.
rng = random.generator 99
rng.pick (1, 2, 3)
# -> 3
# -> false
|| -> Number
Generates a random number using the current thread's generator.
The number will be a floating point value in the range from 0 up to but not including 1.
# Seed the thread Rng so that we get predictable results
random.seed 123
# Print random floats up to 3 decimal places
print '{random.number():.3}'
# -> 0.853
print '{random.number():.3}'
# -> 0.168
|Indexable| -> Any
Selects a random value from the input using the current thread's generator.
will be returned.# Seed the thread Rng so that we get predictable results
random.seed -1
random.pick (123, -1, 99)
# -> 99
random.pick 10..20
# -> 14
random.pick {foo: 42, bar: 99, baz: 123}
# -> ('bar', 99)
random.pick []
# -> null
|Number| -> Null
Seeds the current thread's generator so that it produces predictable results.
from iterator import generate
from random import pick, seed
# Returns a tuple containing three numbers from 1 to 10
pick_3 = || generate(3, || pick 1..=10).to_tuple()
seed 1
# -> (5, 3, 8)
seed 2
# -> (6, 9, 3)
seed 1
# -> (5, 3, 8)
is the random
module's core random generator.
The ChaCha algorithm with 8 rounds from the rand_chacha
crate is used to
generate random values.
See the implementation's docs for more information.
See random.bool.
See random.number.
See random.pick.
See random.seed.